Vape Rebuilding Supplies
We offer FREE wire up to 6 feet in length, FREE organic cotton, as well as FREE 18650 battery wraps and 18650 battery protectors too.
We have many tools and supplies available to help make your vaping rebuilding experience much easier! From kanthal wire to pre-made coils, wire cutters, coil jigs, tweezers, and ohms readers, we have everything you need to start rebuilding.
Vape rebuilding supplies are items or tools used with rebuildable atomizers (RBAs), Rebuildable Tank Atomizers (RTAs), or Rebuildable Drip Atomizers (RDAs). Rebuilding supplies include organic cotton wicks, wires (such as kanthal wire, stainless steel wire, or nichrome wire), pre-built coils, custom-made coils, tools (such as coil jigs, wire cutters, and ceramic tweezers), and other accessories needed for building and maintaining coils.